Sunday, April 15, 2007

unique Do It Yourself (D.I.Y.) Dog Training Package

The absolute best ways (that really work!) to quickly conquer Potty Training. (toilet training can be completed in many cases in as little as 24 hrs! - help for puppies and the older dog)
Learn how to quickly teach your dog to come, sit, stay, drop, stand and heel. Both new dog owners as well as experienced dog owners will find this instruction extremely simple and effective.
Discover the psychology of exactly how dogs learn. You will look at your dog in a completely new way when you learn these simple facts.
Learn the 3 special voice tones you should be using that may dramatically change the way your dog responds to you. (Ladies will be pleased to know that your don't have to have a "man's deep" voice to put these 3 tones into practice!).
Discover the 4 essential things to ensure you buy a dog that suits you and your family.
The 3 easy steps to manage the dog who has become a "fussy eater". (these easy to follow tips will bring big improvements quickly ).
Discover how to control your dog's barking. Dogs bark for one of several reasons. These reasons will be shared with you and "proven" methods to quickly control excessive barking outlined.
A simple technique for teaching your dog some advanced commands such as; "wait", "leave it", "crawl", "right and left hand turns" while walking on a leash, "fetch", "roll over", "play dead" plus many more.
Find out the extremely important tips regarding safety for your young children and your dog. (Too many children are unnecessarily injured by dogs each year).
Discover how to quickly determine a dog's temperament before you say "I'll take him"! (especially helpful if looking at adopting a doggie from a rescue centre or from a friend).
Finally learn the full scoop on "potty training pads".
The absolute best way to choose and buy a healthy well adjusted dog. Includes helps in planning how and where to buy from.
Be taught the quick and easy way to easily walk your dog on a leash. (Your days of being dragged along by your dog will be numbered).
Discover the keys to teach your dog to be calm around other dogs. These practical sociability exercises will quickly help your dog learn to relax around other "animals and people and not be "aggressive".
Find out about the 7 advantages of using a "crate" for training.
How to prepare your home for your new dog. An, "essentials" checklist and estimate of prices is included.
Understand how dogs "speak" to each other and how this can help you with your training.
Understand the possible ramifications of leaving food and water out overnight or you doggie. When you hear this you might be promoted to change "your" behavior.
Understand how you may have unknowingly taught your dog to jump on and all over you and others. This jumping can be dangerous in many situation. (clearly defined tips will soon help you improve this problem).
Discover how to make training fun for your dog and not a chore. Dogs like humans do get bored! (these simple tips will help ensure your training sessions get results fast).
How to potty train your dog to go "inside". Useful for those living in an apartment or in extreme climates!
Are you your dog's pack leader? (Learn how becoming your dogs pack leader can make a dramatic difference to your dog owner experience).
7 fun and easy tricks to teach your dog.
Understand how and why the saying "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" is simply a myth. Discover how to quickly teach you older or young dog new things!
Understand the best age to buy a puppy and what you need to do to help ensure you end with a healthy well tempered pup.
How to make sure you are not throwing your money away if you visit a professional dog trainer.
An explanation and description of the training equipment you should seriously consider purchasing.
The number 1 reason why people sell or give up their pet. This knowledge may help your be wiser in choosing a healthy and well adjusted dog.
Learn the vital importance of the early "socialization" period of your new puppy. (So many owners get in wrong in the first few months and then suffer for years).
Learn why it's imperative to take your puppy "out" before it's had all it's shots! Many vets will tell you otherwise. (you can make your own decision when you have these facts)
Find out all about "Basic Obedience Training" (it can dramatically improve your dog's behavior). A step by step easy technique.
A doggie suffering "Separation Anxiety" is an upsetting experience for many dog owners. Understand how it is caused and treated and most importantly how to "prevent it".
Understand why it's important you feed your dog after you have eaten. Many dog owners make this mistake.
Discover what you can learn about your dog by having a having a proper understanding of your dog's senses.
Discover the questions you should be asking your breeder and what they should ask you.
Learn how you may have been unknowingly teaching your dog to respond the "wrong" way to your commands. (No, it's not rocket science but why hasn't this been talked about more before?).
Discover the vital key to understanding crate training. It's not simply locking your little doggie up in a cage! (Understand how to use this proven training technique for dramatic results fast).
Discover how treating your dog" like a human" can be causing/exacerbating many dog behavior problems you are having.
You will be amazed to learn how often you should be taking your puppy out to for "toileting". (get this right early on and potty training won't be a headache for you).
Allergies finally explained clearly and simply by a Veterinary Surgeon. The causes and best treatments are detailed. (2 common house plants that may be causing your dog's allergies are revealed).
Find out how to change a "set" unwanted dog behavior. Real life examples will guide you through the easy to follow process.
Discover important facts about a puppy's critical development periods, both physical and psychological.
Discover the surprising health benefits of Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils in your doggies diet.
Learn the 3 foods you should never feed you dog. Discover what to do if you or someone else accidentally does. (You might be shocked by this)
Discover the 5 most important benefits of dog training.
Learn how to puppy or dog proof your home before it's too late.
Understand the 5 critical traits you require to quickly and easily train your dog to behave how you want.
Discover the importance and implementation of ample environmental stimulation for your dog. You can expect dramatic improvement in your dog's behaviors when you understand this- it's easy!).
Learn how to quickly and easily teach you dog to walk on or off a leash in public.
Learn how to manage the "older" dog's training needs. Not all of us are lucky enough to have the chance to teach our doggies from when they were pups.
Find out if, where, why and how litter box training could be employed. This knowledge could be helpful to those who are out at work most of the day and are forced to leave their dog alone.

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